There's going to be a whole mess of people at the
Onell Design (and friends) booth at New York Comic Con! They rotate the occupants every few hours, so you people there for the whole show will see an insane amount of fantastic, wonderful plastic things. Other booths have things for you Glyos fans, too!
Here are your known destinations for Glyos at the show:
#556: Action Figure Xpress: Outer Space Men
#3321: Ni Stuff: Ni's Stuff
#3216: Onell Design (Shared): Dang near everything
#3303: Toy Tokyo: Outer Space Men
I will not be able to attend, so if you're there please take pictures and send me links to your blog entries, or send me your pics to post. I'd love to see what we're all missing!
The full, long breakdown at booth #3216 (Onell, Callgrim, TGB, etc.) is after the break. (Clicky clicky, it's the same thing from
Onell Design because I copied it and pasted it here as I am a lazy thief.) Be sure to stop by, The Godbeast
always has something awesome to surprise you. Bring cash. You'll thank me after you spend all of it.