Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"Armorvor Heads," said the Spider to the Fly

Because we can't get enough of these guys, The GodBeast posted two quick previews of new heads to the October Toys forums.   He describes them thusly:

"2 mysterious black spider and bug heads were a special request of gaga4toyz. Very eerie looking and kewl as heck on Armorvor."

It is widely assumed/confirmed/rumor-that's-not-a-rumor that the next Armorvor release will indeed be a black one, so start saving those pennies for Fall!

1 comment:

  1. These were not sculpts by JF or TGB...merely vintage toy headz that gaga4toyz thought would look kewl on Armorvor...I I molded and cast them up for fun. Collectors be the judge, but, they sure are creepy in black on the Armorvor.

