The first painted Trooper from Healey Made is live for $25! It's a Boba Fett tribute. The original Raider and Assassin were black-and-purple affairs.
Click here to see if it's still in stock.
The first painted Trooper from Healey Made is live for $25! It's a Boba Fett tribute. The original Raider and Assassin were black-and-purple affairs.
Click here to see if it's still in stock.
Rocom Toys posted new trading cards, five new action figure molds, and some unpainted figures too. Check 'em out!
The Outer Space Men pulled another rabbit out of their hat with Jack Asteroid and Maximilian Gravity (Zero Gravity) Bluestar blue glow-in-the-dark action figures at $15 each. There are, of course many others.
I've dropped off buying the Bluestars at $25-$30 but I'd buy everything I'd missed so far at $15 a pop. The four I do have glow for hours when charged by the sun, to the point where it's almost ridiculous. If you don't have any blue glow figures I almost insist you buy at least one or two. The color match with other glowing blue Glyos figures is pretty spot-on.
The first fully-painted Trooper figure is scheduled to be revealed (and go on sale) this Saturday, New Year's Eve, at 2:00 PM Eastern. The figure includes an alternate blaster arm, a handheld blaster, and an alternate head.
But in what colors? What we do know is that the first releases of the Assassin and the Raider shared dark blue costumes. If he follows that pattern, a blue trooper of some sort would make a lot of sense.
Each figure is 3 3/4-inches - give or take - and has more in common with old Kenner Star Wars and Palitoy Action Force figures than your typical Glyos-compatible action figure. Which is pretty exciting, if you're a toy collector of a certain specific vintage. The Trooper seems to take design cues from a number of older toys.
But wait, there's more! Planet Banimon have new additions that, while they look like old additions, are actually available to buy. $9 is a steal for the black Banigoth figures, and I am fond of their tanks too. Click here to check availability.
If you like 3 3/4-inch compatible Glyos figures, today may be the best day in quite some time. ToyPizza has a new wave up and it's a good one. $18 Rift Killers, an alien creature build, and bug lady parts (sadly sans arms and legs) are up for grabs. Check 'em out!
In it, you get new flavors of Orbitron, Colossus Rex, Luna Eclipse, and Cthulhu Nautilus. Click here to see if it's still in stock.
I have no idea what the run is, but they're plenty cool.
Wave 95 is here! Click here to see what's still in stock at the Onell Design shop. Or just keep reading if you're in the future when everything is sold out.
The last new wave was in July. In 2022, there was also a July and a May wave - it's been a slow year for Onell Design releases, and comments on the Onell Design blog seem to indicate next year may be even slower. Hopefully it will include more versions of the nifty new Kaisyriax, which is the Pheyaos figure with some awesome (and big) new parts.
I picked up a Kaisyriax so I look forward to showing lots of pictures of him as soon as possible. But you can also just buy him right now, and you should.
Postponed! Rescheduled for Friday, December 16 at 9:30 PM Eastern.
It's new! A new mutation in the Real x Head world is coming with what seems to be a modified Pheyaos coming up. Along with Glyans, Armorvor, and more. And multiple crossovers! You can read some comments on Onell Design's Insidious Iterations page, and also set your alarms because this sounds like a good one.
I have a lot of great figures I never reviewed, like the Crayboth Cosmic Wave
who I photographed way back in 2015, back when there was no pandemic
and only (depending on how you count) six live-action theatrical Star Wars movies. A clear match to other figures like Armorvor Cosmic Wave [FotD #1,504], I always assumed we'd see Power Lords and The Outer Space Men
in similar colors. Clear blue is striking, but the added white and
blue highlights make it just a bit better. If you want a holographic
blue Cray, those exist, but this one has more going for it.
While supplies last, the new mold Healeymade Trooper Proto is in stock for $20. This 3 3/4-inch figure seems to have a swappable weapon hand and an alternate head. Painted versions usually follow in the not-too-distant future, so if you're like me and unable to paint things, you'll probably wait and pounce on the next one(s).
Details on the new Healeymade figure debuting Black Friday [Instagram] are scant, but hey, new figure! Generally whenever a new mold comes out, it debuts in an unpainted "Blue Harvest" color. Painted colorways tend to follow later.
He writes:
I look forward to it.
The long-missing Outlander is back? The Cappy Space Bazaar has a new glow-in-the-dark figure as well as many alternate heads in lots of colors. Click here to check availability.
Is it the Pumpkin King? Sort of! The Halloween-themed Skeleden Hallowden King
gives you a basic orange Pheyden with lots and lots of Pumpkin Spice
armor. It has black painted bits and bright yellow eyes, plus your
choice of two different heads. And alternate armor. Plus swappable
limbs... but not hands or feet. You've got a lot of options here.
have a lot of awesome toys still unreviewed - back in 2019 I was
actually planning on winding down Figure of the Day for a landing, and
that didn't happen. But I have lots of great figures to review and this
month, we're doing a full month of business day reviews starting with Pheyden Imhoden Pheydotep.
This month we're going to focus on monsters and bad guys and ghosts -
it should be fun! This one is a monster, a figure that brought back
painted panel lines to simulate mummy wraps. To further the illusion,
Peyden also has painted lines on his chest panel and head - and it
Happy 15 years of Glyos! Arguably the jewel of the 15th anniversary wave, Pheyden Quindecim
takes a typically $9 figure and plusses it up with loads of silver and
gold paint - quite a bit for a PVC figure! I hope some day we can get a
vac metal take on this guy, but that probably means new tooling and
higher prices. So, let's be happy with this one.
A number of older Raiders and Assassins were added to the Healey Made Shop this weekend, so if you missed Trando or Lion or some of the other really cool figures, here is your chance. They're about $25 for painted ones, same as before. Get 'em while they last!
Behold, the ravages of age! I shot this figure right after I got it way back in 2013 - I really loved the wave and shot Neo Phase Pheyden MK II
and some of his buddies outdoors. I've got a lot of great Glyos
figures which still haven't been reviewed - many of which have been
photographed a long time ago. Let's fix that! Originally a cheap
$8.00, this figure last sold on eBay for around $24.99. New figures are
still pretty cheap when you buy them new, the dark brown Pheyden
Gloucenn at the end of July 2022 was a mere $8.00 with pretty much the
exact same paint apps as this green fellow from 2013. [ READ THE FULL REVIEW ]
A review is coming, but I had to try something new. Pheyden Quindecim showed up so I decided to make a Six Second Toy Talk video of it. It's short!
With orders from Wave 94 being delivered on Monday, fans reported getting a bare blue Pheyden, a bare gold Pheyden, or a bag of orange parts. Reviews/videos/etc. of these should follow soon.
It's time for wave 94! It's rare that any toy line have more waves than Kenner had Star Wars figures, but Onell Design is getting very close. The 15th anniversary of Onell Design is celebrated with outdoor-inspired deep browns, bright oranges, and of course some swell robots. You can click here now to see what's still in stock, but here's the menu of what was available at launch today.
As of my writing this, none of Matt Doughty's trademark hints/outright confirmation comments are available.
I missed some, but if you're fast you don't have to miss the Assassin (1987) from Healey Made. The 3 3/4-inch alien figure is modeled on the colors of the G.I. Joe Pythona character, who did not get a figure in 1987. However, here she gets a cloth Kenner-style cape and a nice new colorway.
If you're a fan of Glyos construction, all limbs, the head, and the tail are removable. Her blaster can plug in her back. She's also roughly the same size and style as the old Kenner Star Wars figures, so if you've got your childhood toys from the 1970s and 1980s - or the new The Retro Collection guys - they may enjoy having a new alien friend. She's $25 plus shipping.
Welcome to wave 93! There's a lot of silver, some purple, and a bit of pink that makes up the bulk of the first new Onell Design release since January. Click here to see what's still available.
Welcome to wave 92! Rare is it that a small, indie line can outlast dozens of series from several manufacturers, but Onell Design continues to press on with its Star Warsy-themed series. This mini drop included the Glyan Armored Orphan DX - modeled to look like a certain popular warlord in the making - as well as a commando and some Crayboth plus other figures to. Click here to see what's still available.