Review: Banimon Red Army T-011 Bunkerbuster Tank Vehicle
I missed the first drop for the yellow one, so I was happy to see that the swell Red Army T-011 Bunkerbuster Tank
didn't sell out immediately. I'm sure the price had something to do
with it - $30 is on the high end of these smaller vinyl items, even if
it has a lot of paint, stickers, and options. It's also the first toy
I've bought in ages that actually was designed to make good use of all
those extra Glyos heads you've been storing in boxes for the last few
years. It's quite versatile and as it can fit most Glyos figures,
heads, or even 3 3/4-inch action figures, it's easily the best
Glyos-compatible vehicle to date. If you're a toy collector and you
also like Glyos, this (or a subsequent recolor) is an essential
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