Review: Onell Design Glyos Glyan Glyaxia Standard Action Figure
The Glyan Glyaxia Standard is similar to the Glyaxia Command Elite
version from 2011, but different enough so that the untrained eye can
easily tell the difference. The yellow seems a tiny bit oranger, while
the blue seems quite similar but just a smidgen brighter.
the last three years, a lot has changed in the Glyos world overall -
new lines brought in a few more players, and actual licensed properties
now exist within its galaxies. Edition sizes haven't climbed much, but
a few newcomers give Onell Design a reason to go back to the well on
some styles. This one in particular was one of my favorites during the
first go-round, so having another shot at it was certainly nice. One
of the most obvious changes over the last few years was the increase of
pricing on most toys manufactured in China, leading to companies
changing how they do business.
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