Review: Onell Design Glyos Crayboth Gryganull Action Figure
The Crayboth Gryganull
is another painfully complex name to spell - how the Onell Design crew
come up with these titles is beyond my creative capacity, but I applaud
them for it. The colors reminded me of DX Callgrim Fragarian,
a 2012 release and (I believe) the most recent figure from that line
I've picked up. The colors don't match - but it certainly does carry
forward a Strawberry Shortcake sort of motif, or maybe it also recalls
some Japanese line I haven't seen yet. Regardless, Gryganull is paired
with the green Grellanym, which is basically its opposite. The two
starred in a really fun shooter game posted on Onell Design last May,
where you had the two little guys escaping a block base. Good times.
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