Review: Onell Design Glyos Neo Aves Exellis Action Figure
There's a lot of color in Glyos but rarely is there enough red. The insanely bright and chipper red used on the Neo Aves Exellis Action Figure
came out as a wave of goodies earlier this year, complete with matching
Hub, Axis joints, Crayboth, and a Glyan too. The last time we saw a
bright, opaque red was a Buildstation Gendrone (Buildman) around 2010,
but a couple of slightly darker red figures have popped up here and
there. It's really a sharp figure, and this color is particularly
fitting given the Onell Design-originating nickname "Exellips." With
the scarf, it really does look like the Sincroid has on a giant pair of
novelty wax lips.
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