Sunday, March 25, 2018

Culture Pirates Releases Space Series Character Bit Figs
Culture Pirates has been selling Bit Figs, previously things like ninjas and animals.  Adorable, kid-friendly, and cheap toys that are perfect in this era of expensive Minecraft collectibles.
Tonight?  "Space Series."  Your eyes do not deceive you - you're seeing Pheyden, Crayboth, Glyan, Qualloid, and Astroloc.  Astroloc is, of course, new.

At the Onell Design blog you can see the vending machine header cards that we'll hopefully see, meaning Pheyden could well finally appear in actual real toy stores across the USA.  

Order yours here.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Review: Onell Design Glyos Alphaden

Onell Design Glyos Alphaden Action FigureThe 2017 (and so far, 2018) Onell Design Mystery figures have been thematically based on Adventure People Space figures of old. Alphaden was decorated to vaguely match the pilots of the Alpha Probe vehicle, complete with variant hair coloring.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Review: Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Xodiac Action Figure

The Outer Space Men, LLC Outer Space Men Cosmic Radiation Xodiac Action FigureFor a toy line that has proven popular, The Outer Space Men captures the imagination with strange designs. Like this one. The Cosmic Radiation Xodiac is the second Xodiac figure to have a beard, so I reached out to series designer Mel Birnkrant to ask what the deal was with the beard - is it meat? Is it hair? "It's both!" He told me - hey, that works.